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Top 5 Strategies To Engage Students In Active Learning

Readiness is the pre-requisite for learning. Therefore, without making the students ready for taking an interest in classroom activities, the process of learning cannot be successful. It is imperative to retain students for imparting knowledge in a nourishing manner.

Nevertheless, the modern-day world is rapidly moving towards cultural diversity, where students may not be able to get engaged in learning as expected. It is because they can get distracted by the environmental stimuli for different norms and values within the same society.

Take, for example, the scenario of UAE where the majority of people are expatriates. Keeping this in view, various international education systems such as the American schools Dubai devise their curriculum comprehensively to incorporate the factor of student engagement. It is not a choice but a dire need to prepare the students for gaining knowledge.

However, teachers have the primary responsibility to keep the students engaged during the learning process. The article is aimed at aiding the teachers with useful strategies for students’ engagement.

How to ensure active learning in students – teachers guide

There is no denying that students’ engagement in classroom learning augments their motivation for education. Not only this, it helps the teachers to foster a culture of critical thinking among the students. But, ensuring effective engagement is a hard nut to crack. So, consider the given strategies to make your students’ learning experience meaningful:

Relate learning concepts to the real world

The best way is to make the process of learning success for the students is to give examples from practical life. It is owing to the reason that students will get to know that learning is not something out of the world, but it is comprehensively linked with life. So, use examples from day-to-day scenarios.

Arrange culture-oriented materials

The learning material should be related to different cultural backgrounds to arouse the interest of the students. It enables the students to get engaged in learning activities as they consider the material easy to comprehend or understand.

Integrate learning in daily routine

It is not that learning only takes place during classroom time, but every passing moment brings something innovative for human minds. Therefore, the teachers should give something to the students on the part of the food for thought. Assigning tasks to write a daily journal can considerably help them in learning better.

Divide students into study groups

Last but not least, dividing the students into small learning groups is an easy way of fostering a culture of engagement for effective knowledge acquisition. It not only helps the students to collaborate within the classroom learning but also gets engaged in setting their own learning goals.

A final thought on engaging students in learning

Summing up, the world is rapidly shrinking into a globalized living space. Owing to this, students sometimes face severe difficulties in learning owing to a lack of engagement. Therefore, it is essential to keep them engaged for comprehensive education.

The international education systems pay attention to incorporate an engaging element of learning in classroom activities. For example, the American curriculum based schools in Dubai are preferred by the parents because of technology-driven learning to ensure active participation by the students.

Remember! Learning cannot take place effectively without interest and engagement. So, the parents should select the best schools for their kids while the teachers should transform learning into awe-inspiring activities to engage students comprehensively.