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Why it is essential to incorporate technology in the classroom?

· American Schools
Technology Use in classrooms

The technology surrounds us in every phase of the life and access to tech-savvy devices is like anything. This aspect has changed each and everything people see around and even the educational system. The eBooks have replaced books; homework has been replaced with online assignments and so much more.

When technologies are impacting the life to this extent then why not use it for the benefit of learning and development purpose. If it is used cleverly, then it can aid the whole education process and enhance the learning environment of the class.

Let’s take example of Proficient American schools in Sharjah that are utilizing the technology in classes effectively that it has enhanced the learning process of the students and make them more competent for the real world. Using the latest technique in education is always the best thing to do, and there are certain benefits which make it more essential to integrate.

Technology benefits in classrooms 

Following are some of the benefits of the use of technology in classrooms:

  • Meet the need of today:

When devices surround children in their daily then if you start to integrate it into the school then they will have more interest. Also, as there is a shift in the way educational systems are working these days thus including technology in the classroom will meet the demand of this global era.

  • It gives independence to the students:

With more integration, students get more options to show their talent. Like for example, if you have given them a report and they can present in any format, this gives them the freedom to use any medium. In other words, it can streak their creative instinct like they can make a power point presentation, work on Prezi or even the video.

  • Engage and collaborate with students:

Because all of the students have gadgets so instead of letting them have the attention towards that, let them use in the class but during the learning process.

Make sure of computers and projectors effectively that they do not feel the need for tech devices.Plus teachers can devise the homework and activities which require teamwork like group presentations or teamwork projects.

  • Deepens the overall learning process:

There are more resources for the learning than there ever have been in the past. Students have so many ways to get the information and utilize that.

More books and education resources are just a click away. There are YouTube and other educational channels suiting the needs of visual learners. If you are keen on the learning process, then the options are endless.

  • Expands the horizon of learning:

When one is in school then learning is the only goal for being there. But what if education is combined with fun and exciting activities then it can expand the perspective of learning opportunities. It won't be limited to one class, but it will help the students think beyond the boundaries.

Several schools such as American schools in Sharjah focus on increasing awareness of different aspects of education and learning among students.

Take away!

Education is a necessity for life but as the world is rapidly developing and digitalizing there is a shift in how education and learning are approached. Technology has become the core of everyday life so schools can utilize this to enhance the learning process.