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How to select books for the kindergarten students?

· kindergarten school
Selection of books - kindergarten school Dubai

Books are the best friends one could have. They are going to be there when no one else will. They take you to different worlds and help you become imaginative thinkers. But sadly this era and the children born in this one have lost the zest for reading book. Gone are the days when all children were eagerly for the storybooks and story time. Now children are so occupied with the tech devices that they lack interest.

Another challenge for the book for your student can be the type of book which will suit their learning and needs. The appropriate book will help your child build the vocabulary and open their imaginative world. While in school children often get to have a book which is appropriate to the age and their level of learning. There are several considerations which go into the process of book selections.

Taking the example of qualified schools in UAE, let’s say if a child is enrolled in the kindergarten school Dubai then the books will be different for them then for those who are primary level students. Taking kindergarten students into consideration, this article will shed light on the considerations for selecting the right book.

Some Important questions

When you are devising a syllabus for the class, you need to reflect by asking the following questions:

1. Is the book selected is age-appropriate?

We all want out a child to have the latest and productive learning, but everything has a specified time. There are specific age guidelines which one should follow during the process. It means in the kindergarten; the books will be more about pictures and fewer words. Thus if you pick a book which is heavy in words, then you have chosen the wrong one.

2. How will the child benefit from this book?

At the young age, there are few basic concepts which define the learning and these are learning the alphabets, interaction with others, playing and basic manners.

If you are expecting more than that once you have picked a book, then you are not in the right section of the bookstore. Children should learn what they are supposed to learn nothing more than that.

3. Are the inside outside of the book appealing?

Do not judge the book by its cover does not apply to the students enrolled in the kindergarten. Books should grab their attention to the level that they want to dig right in.

Books with lots of bright colors and interesting imagery will be a good choice. The familiar characters and more of coloring books will not appeal to them but also help them dig right in.

4. Size of the books:

Have you seen those few pages books in the bookshops? If yes then that is the exact size you should be looking for. Kindergarten students do not have the power to carry heavy books around and neither they will be interested in reading those big bulks.

Parting note!

Habits form in the early age stay the longest. It means children should be encouraged to read or look at the book in the early stages. High-end Kindergarten schools in Dubai are creating the places and opportunities for children of that age to start reading so that it can help them grow.