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What the benefits of integrating creativity in classrooms?

· American Schools,education
American curriculum schools In Sharjah

A classroom is a place where children spend most of their time, and they are most active during that time. But how much children learn and grow all depends on the classroom’s physical and psychological environment. There should be a right mix of creativity embedded within the right curriculum which helps the students learn in a better way.

When the classrooms are creative, then it will lead to an environment where students grow emotionally and socially. Education in the creative setup can transform the traditional aspect and makes it more engaging.

Benefits of creativity in classrooms:

There are several benefits which come along with the creative classrooms:

1. Integrate fun with learning:

Creativity in the classes does not mean colourful posters hanged all around, but it instead refers to how information is delivered diverted from the traditional way. For example, teachers can make the learning fun by telling the same lesson in a story way. They can act or make facial expressions which will keep students alert and engaging.

It is imperative to note that various international education systems such as American curriculum schools in Sharjah stress the importance of fun activities in learning. It enables the students to enjoy life besides preparing for future.

Students are always up for something fun and active so teachers can incorporate different methods to convert the boring lectures into something more fun. It can also mean team building activities which involve skits, poster competition and others.

2. Emotional development:

When students are mentally active, and any creative expression will trigger the emotional development. They can connect to what is being taught in the class more than when there were just reading and lecture.

They will also be able to think more emotionally and relate to what they are teaching. Given the opportunity to share their experience they will be able to explain how they have experienced certain things. They can express their emotions in a way that others can experience what they have felt.

3. Enhanced thinking skills:

The creative classrooms give the students a chance to share what’s in their mind. Like if there is a discussion or a debate, and then they will have come up with the creative and logical point of view making it sound reasonable. They are no longer bound to the thinking skills which involve traditional boundaries and expectation and this freedom to express themselves is a booster for confidence and learning.

This will also enhance their concentration in the classroom when the teacher is instructing. For example when teachers play the memory games, then it will result in more focused learning of the students.

4. Problem-solving skills:

When there is creativity required in the classroom, then it will stimulate the brain of the child making it more active for problem-solving. The students do not have to approach a problem the same way making it a different thing leading them to think out of the box.

They become more imaginative and innovative in enhancing their learning skills. American curriculum schools in Sharjah believe that shared expression leads to significant opportunities to make the individuals a progressive member of the society.

Last thoughts:

Teachers play a huge role in the learning of the students. The more creativity they bring in the classrooms, the better learning experience students have.