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How to prepare your child to start kindergarten

· kindergarten school,American Schools,Schools in UAE,Schools,primary schools

Starting kindergarten may be very exciting for parents, seeing their children start a new chapter of their life, but for children, it's a different feeling altogether. Where some kids find it exciting, others may not be as pleased with the change of environment.

From home or preschool to kindergarten, the transition may be a stressful one for your kid if he is overly attached or has gotten used to the environment at home or it may be the easiest thing they've ever done.

This article focuses on how you can prepare your child for kindergarten so that the transition from home to kindergarten is easier!

kindergarten schools Dubai

Visit the kindergarten

Most kindergarten allows parents and guardians to visit the premises. Before you send your child to the kindergarten ensure that you take a trip with them. Teachers at the kindergarten schools Dubai can be requested to show you around the premises.

Visit the cafeteria, playground, classrooms, and analyze everything. Not only does this give you an idea about your child’s future abode but also gives your child the opportunity to familiarize with his surroundings. On your visit to the kindergarten, make sure you talk to the teachers and also ensure that your child gets to interact with them too.

Talk to your child

It is important that parents communicate to their children what they should expect from kindergartens. Children are sensitive to feelings. Relay positivity, excitement and enthusiasm when talking about the kindergarten, its teachers and their future classmates.

If your child is attending school after the summers, you may have a long time to help foster communication between your children and other students that will be attending the same kindergarten after summer break. By arranging for children to play together, children find easier to transition into kindergarten where they know other children.

Set up a routine

To allow easier and a more cheerful transition into kindergarten, establish a routine for your child. The routine should be in place 1 to 2 months before they actually start kindergarten. Children usually tend to sleep late, eat late and play for a greater number of hours during vacations and before they begin formal education.

Help them sleep early by making bedtime fun. Read out to them before they fall asleep so that they look forward to sleeping early every day. It is important that you inform them why they need to sleep early. Inform them why certain changes are being made to their routine and how it will help them in their future months.

Set up a breakfast routine

Where some schools tend to provide breakfast before the commencement of classes most don’t. As a parent, inquire about the type of breakfast that the kindergarten serves if any. If there are no breakfast sessions, make sure, that your child eats a nutritious, healthy meal before they leave. Healthy breakfasts have been linked to more active students.

Plan before and after school activities

Prepare your child for the future days because surprises may stress your child out. Your child should be aware about his routine after kindergarten including any trips to a daycare center or relatives in case you are busy or not available. Let them know who will pick them up. What they need to do in case you are late. In short, prepare your child for any emergencies.

kindergarten schools Dubai

Preparing children for their new journey

It is important to involve your child when deciding the kindergarten that they will be attending in the future. Although the final decision does lie with you, your children should be satisfied with the facilities too.

Most kindergartens schools today offer play-based learning in an attempt to incorporate more advanced learning methods. Kindergarten schools Dubai have gone one step ahead and included interactive tools in an attempt to enhance the learning experience for students. Kindergarteners often enjoy playing around, and play-based learning may be the right fit for your kindergartener!

Parents can help children prepare for kindergarten by letting them know what they should be expecting, the number of new things that they will be learning once they start kindergarten, the friends that they will be making, and how nice the new teachers are and the fun technologies that will be used to learn. It is the parent's responsibility, however, to prepare your child for the time ahead, so do it well!

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