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Age Criteria: When your Child is ready for Kindergarten

· kindergarten school,American Schools,education,Schools,Schools in UAE

It is no doubt, well understood that sending your child away from you for the first time is one of the most heart wracking situation. It does not matter if the child is supposed to go to school but parents have to undergo an emotional challenge.

However, children learn more about their surrounding world in their early childhood. It is the period when their curiosity and interests reach their zenith. So, early childhood education can help them grow emotionally and mentally in a balanced manner.

Therefore, selection of the school is an important decision taken by the parents. After all, they want to send their child to the best educational institution for his better future.

This article is designed to provide you with all essential information related to the selection of school and age criteria for the kindergarten school in Dubai. It will help you to understand that why and when your child is ready to enter the formal process of learning.

Why Kindergarten School is necessary

As years pass by, children become smarter and more welcoming about learning. It is the time when parents start wondering that whether to send their child to pre-school learning institutions or take this responsibility by on their shoulders.

It is owing to the fact that they are unable to grasp the benefit of a pre-school for the learning of their child. So, let’s first see what the advantages of kindergarten school are:

Learning in Fun

The first and foremost important factor which makes kindergarten education necessary for children is the learning patterns. Children learn during play. It keeps them motivated. In fact, they play, learn and grow simultaneously.

kindergarten school in Dubai

Increased Public Interactions

Another factor of kindergarten schooling is it helps to create harmony among children to accept others. It brings them to the realization that they are the member of a bigger society. So, they have to live in peace with others. It is a must for becoming a progressive member of the community.

Enhance Creativity

Pre-school learning is essential to improve the esthetic sense of children. It helps to improve creativity among students which is an important element for their future growth.

Age Criteria for Kindergarten school in Dubai

Every country devises specific rules for children to be enrolled in pre-school institutions. However, parents concerns over the age factor always remain the same.

The Ministry of Education in collaboration with Education Council Abu Dhabi has resolved the confusions of parents by defining age criteria for children for early childhood education. According to the decision, the age of eligibility is 3 years and 8 months for kindergarten education.

Further, a specific cut off criteria for age is defined by the ministry of UAE to ensure a proper system of kindergarten admissions. The detail is given in the following table:

kindergarten school in Dubai

Now, you can clearly get an understanding that when you should seek admission for your child in kindergarten schools. However, as a general idea, the age of children should be 3-5 for starting a formal learning at the school.

Concluding Remarks – Take Away

Children are a blessing from the God, given the responsibility of their parents for better up bring. Therefore, parents must stand one step before others while taking decisions for their children. So, always research before taking any decision.

Generally, people confuse child age as school admissions are done at the age of four. While many parents start their child’ pre-schooling at the age of four and then they left with no options at the end of kindergarten.

It is important to check the detail of school systems offering pre-school education. But, remember to analyze your child mental and physical condition if you are thinking to send him to the school.

Although kindergarten schools operating in Dubai accept children at the age of three years and eight months, it is not necessary that your child is ready for school.

Caution! If your child is lazy and unable to take interest in daily life activities, you must consider his health aspects.

However, sometimes the question is not that your child is ready for kindergarten but actually is kindergarten ready for your child?