Do you want your children to be as much involved in extra-curricular activities as they are involved in memorizing the textbook? Because children need to participate in all kinds of activities for their personality grooming. Thus when you choose a school, make you spot the kinds of co-curricular opportunities a certain school offers.
When you look around, you will see many schools that claim that they are offering numerous such opportunities. But you must choose a school which walks the talk. Your safe option is to enroll your child in American primary schools in Dubai to ensure the positive personality growth of your child.
This article will elaborate on the kinds of activities your Dubai based child especially needs besides learning the basic curriculum.
Best extracurricular activities children in Dubai should participate in!
When extra-curricular activities are compounded with practices for cognitive learning, you can be sure of the effective personality development of your child. Only the best schools understand that these two are equally important, especially when you are raising a child in a culturally diverse environment.
More on this in the following points:
Children learn the most by experiencing things and observing phenomena by themselves. Thus good schools pay attention to educational field trips. They take primary level students to institutions and organizations so that students can observe how people from different kinds of fields work.
Sports have a lot of benefits. Indulging in sports at an early age helps children remain active. It is equally important for mental health other than physical health. When there are competitions, it helps students learn that there are other areas in life where one needs to excel and be competitive.
Cultural days:
Dubai is a land that hosts masses from diverse cultures. In a place like this, students must get a chance to present their cultures and learn about the cultures of their classmates. In this way, they learn how to accept the differences and coexist with people different from them.
Math competition:
Some kids are exceptionally good at mathematics. They don’t mind practicing math all day long. Such children find competition events like Math days as a source of fun. Such challenges stimulate their appetite for problem-solving. Hence events like these are almost compulsory for kids at the primary level.
Science fairs
While some kids are good at math, or art, some are very good at science. They need to express their tendencies. For this purpose, events like science fairs are very stimulating and enjoyable. Kids get a chance to apply what they study in a science textbook in real life.
Primary education forms the basis of your child’s life-long learning abilities. Thus when you look around for schools in Dubai, be careful. You can choose best schools in Dubai for your child’s benefit. Your child growth and positive grooming are the most important to you, and good schools realize that.
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